Tuesday, May 6, 2008

How Rude Of Me Not To Introduce Myself...

Some of you who've decided (for whatever reason), to check out this blog may already know me. I'm sort of an infamous online personality. By "infamous", of course, I mean "openly annoying and a troll". But for those of you who may, in fact, be strangers to me let me tell you a few things about myself.

* I'm 19, with the maturity level of a 12- year old and the mental capacity of an 8-year old.

* I like horror movies, old cartoons, porno movies, action figures, making fun of emo kids, sci-fi serials from the 1950's, the Devil, Satanic worship, foot worship, sexual deviancy, children's educational programming, quirky nerd girls with lunch-box purses, and player pianos. Also, I enjoy long walks on the beach.

* My life revolves around the internet. In fact, I've grown to such Jabba The Hutt-esque proportions due to my sedentary lifestyle I'm barely able to leave my chair. But that just means more stuff from me. Hurray?

* I own over 2,000 movies, download almost that many a month, and buy almost that many a year, but I still find time to have an actual life. Not all nerds are losers. But all losers are nerds.

That's enough shit about me. Let's get on with the show.

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